Capital Expenditure Review of pipe laying Tj. Uncang to Pemping - PLN Batam
Rigs Residual life time analysis (RLA) - PT Apexindo Pratama Duta
Reverse Engineering Equipments - Conoco Phillips - PT Indospec Asia
Independent Analysis CNOOC Platform - PT Indospec Asia
Design Appraisal platform - PHE WMO - BKI
Certificate and Permitting Indonesian SEACOM of MOPU BOSS 1 - Gryphon Energy Sdn Bhd
Permitting from Minister of Manpower for Gryphon Energy Sdn Bhd
Horizontal Directional Drilling independent review and Quality Assurance and controller - PJB Muara Tawar
Safety technical scope, QRA, Drop object, ship collision analysis for Anoa - Gajah Baru (Premiere Oil) - PT Indospec Asia
Explosion modelling - BP TEP - Indospec Asia
Residual life assessment equipments. PV, PSV and electrical - COPI - BKI
Pipeline Risk Assesment Pertagas - PT Indospec Asia
Design Appraisal Platform - Petrochina Salawati
Design Appraisal Platform - PHE ONWJ - PT Depriwangga
Techical assistance and assurance for civil and engineering works - PT Dirgantara Indonesia
and many more
Engineering Services : Planning | Design | Analysis
Head Office: Graha Kapital 2, Level 2. Jl. Kemang I No.7. Jakarta Selatan. INDONESIA
Phone +62 21 719 8617